And obliquely oriented in the root hair zone. After treatment with 2,4_D, MTS displayed distinct changes with reorientation in the cortex of the root tip coupling with the inhibition of root growth. 经过2,4D处理的根,不但皮层细胞微管表现重新定向,同时也伴随着生长受到强烈抑制。
In an amplitude grating system of small grid pitch, the diffractive effect is distinct. Its energy will be about 10-40 percent of total energy. The diffractive light is the root cause to deteriorate the contrast of Moire signal and sinusoidal property. 在细栅距的幅光栅系统中,衍射效应是很明显的,其能量约占总能量的10~40%左右,这种衍射光是造成Moire光电信号对比度不好和正弦性差的根本原因。
Results: Lower magnifications revealed no distinct difference between the root surfaces in each group. 结果:低倍镜下各组根面改变无明显差异,表面干净,粗糙程度均匀,未见明显弹坑状痕迹;
The structures of leaf and stem are different so that the conversion is distinct. Distribution of the P taken up by the rice plants, was in the following order: grain> shoot> root. 秸秆全株叶茎结构不同,酶解产率也不同。旱作水稻各部分全磷平均吸收量为:籽粒>茎>根。